"Together we rise together we fall" is a common saying that most of us have heard. I challenge you to explore if this is actually true? Is it that together we are rising or together we are falling? In my experience this is not true. There are a few people that are falling, that are bringing more terror, and fear, and a sense of lack and not enough-ness and they are driving that energy into our culture. What about the rest of us?
Some of us go along with whatever energy happens to be in the environment at the moment while others are resisting it. Instead they are choosing to go within and find their own strength, beauty, and raw sense of enough-ness. Because truly that is what we all are - enough. And when those brave souls are doing their work and connecting with their inner power and strength it starts to shift the energy all around us.
The people that are choosing to do their work, to own their lives, and to belong to themselves send out a current of light like a beacon and call in others that resonate. From this new groups and communities are formed, friendships are bonded, and people are uplifted. In order for this to happen more - and for this to happen for you, it starts with the journey of you.
“The people that are choosing to do their work, to own their lives, and to belong to themselves send out a current of light like a beacon and call in others that resonate. ”
It is not in the togetherness that we are rising and falling, it is within each individual. Yes systems and units and communities come into play with how a person may view the word and their place in it but I FIRMLY believe we all have the power to free ourselves from past patterns, limiting beliefs, and the generational traumas that seem to be growing. The way we do this is by going within.
How does one go within? It most certainly can and will look and feel different for each of us. Some will benefit from guidance and working with someone while others might draw in all on their own through personal practices of yoga, meditation, journaling, dancing, painting, etc.
What kind of habits and patterns are in your life that are not serving you? That are eliciting more fear, more distrust, more shame and greed? We must come to recognize these things WITHIN OURSELVES before we can reach into our communities and inspire change. We must truly embody being the change we wish to see.
Think of a few simple things to get you started. Schedule an appointment with someone (or with me), remove one habit that doesn't serve you, introduce a habit or mantra that is uplifting and expansive for you. Go into nature and connect with mother earth and through that connection notice how you become more and more connected with yourself, your own rhythm and cycles as well.
In these times of instant updates of mass shootings, events of terrorism, and a sense of division it is even more important that we connect with the place within us that is pure and safe and free. We must embody all that we are so we can carry that strength and light into the world and make massive shifts. We must first shift ourselves before we can shift systems and cultures and limiting beliefs.
I'm sending SO MUCH LOVE and ENCOURAGEMENT to you on your journey. Truly, when we change ourself, we change the world.